One of BMWC’s founding core values is to enrich the communities in which we live and work. With five offices spanning the country, we have the unique opportunity to impact numerous towns, states and regions. This holiday season, BMWC is ready to make a difference. West Coast Giving The West Coast team is partnering… Continue reading.
Posts Tagged: Charity
BMWC collects holiday gifts for those in need
BMWC’s Indianapolis office collected holiday gifts for Children’s Bureau, Inc. The items collected were given to children and families in need, who didn’t make it into the organization’s Hope for the Holidays sponsorship program. We are grateful that we can help those in need during the holiday season. Thank you to the Children’s Bureau for all… Continue reading.
BMWC sponsored team wins United Way “Canstruction” Event Award
Three of BMWC’s core values are integrity, people and leadership. These values lead us to become partners with United Way to help thousands of people in need. The Lake and Porter County Indiana United Way organizations partnered with U.S. Representative Pete Visclosky to bring a new event to the area called “Canstruction.” BMWC proudly sponsored a team for the event and provided two engineer interns to coach our… Continue reading.