Posts Tagged: Safety

Safety Week 2024

Welcome to Construction Safety Week! Encourage – Listen – Empower. The safety and success of any construction project is determined by the individual decisions and actions of every team member. Each person on the job, regardless of their role, has a deep responsibility to take initiative, accountability, and personal ownership in keeping their team and… Continue reading.

BMWC Wins MCAA, CNA Safety Excellence Award

At this year’s Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA) Convention, BMWC was presented with an MCAA/CNA Safety Excellence Award in the largest category (contractors with over 1 million hours). The award is one of the most prestigious recognitions of safety and health programs, safety innovations, and achievements in safety. Congratulations to the BMWC team and… Continue reading.

2023 Construction Safety Week

Construction Safety Week is an important annual event that brings together construction firms nationwide to celebrate safety successes while recognizing the extraordinary effort it takes to continue our mission of eliminating all injuries and incidents in our industry. Each year BMWC participates by bringing awareness to the importance of safety. This year the theme is… Continue reading.

Foam Fire Suppression Systems

A foam fire suppression system is ideal if you operate a business that concentrates on the processing and handling of flammable liquids because a traditional sprinkler system may not have the capacity to extinguish or suppress a fire involving those chemicals. BMWC partnered with Business & Industry Connection (BIC) Magazine to highlight our innovative work… Continue reading.

Our Leaders in Accident Prevention

BMWC’s Project Intercept is underway and individuals that exemplify outstanding safety practices deserve recognition. This month’s winning nominees present leadership in the construction industry and represent the Safety for Life culture established by BMWC. One in ten construction site workers become injured on the job every year. Therefore, working in a hazardous industry requires a… Continue reading.

BMWC Receives Award for Safety by CURT

The Construction Users Roundtable (CURT) presented BMWC with the Construction Industry Safety Excellence (CISE) Award for 2021. This is an annual award that recognizes those who promote construction site safety in their work.  CURT has been a driving force for change and improvement in the construction industry and utilizes these awards to celebrate the safety… Continue reading.

BMWC awarded highest honor at ZISA Awards

For the past 21 years, the National Maintenance Agreement Policy Committee (NMAPC) has been honoring construction companies for noteworthy safety accomplishments at the annual Zero Injury Safety Awards Gala (ZISA). Recently, the National Maintenance Agreement Policy Committee recognized the partnership between BMWC, a Confidential Joliet Refinery and the Will/Grundy County Building Trades at their annual… Continue reading.

BMWC wins highest safety achievement award

Three Rivers Manufacturers’ Association (TRMA) recognized BMWC with the highest honor this year: The Platinum Award. In addition, we received a Gold and Meritorious award at their annual banquet.  This event is hosted by TRMA to recognize contractor companies for their pursuit of high-level safety performance. In fact, the TRMA OSHA incident rate is the… Continue reading.

Safety Week 2021 – Holistic Safety

Safety Week 2021 Day 4: Be Safe, Be Well Rested. Sleep is a vital part of everyone’s health. If you don’t get enough sleep or you wake up feeling not rested, you may need to see a doctor. Being well rested helps keep you focused and reactive at work and at home. Some people turn… Continue reading.

Safety Week 2021: Holistic Safety

Being safe means paying attention to both mind and body. It extends beyond wearing hardhats and safety glasses. It means recognizing how important mental health really is to everyone’s overall safety. From suicide to distractions that lead to devastating accidents, it is important that we all recognize the importance of total wellbeing. When workers are… Continue reading.