Pictured holding plaques: Accepting the award from the NMAPC Committee are John Manta (BMWC Vice President – Marketing & Sales), Van Holman (Joliet Refinery Safety Manager) and Chris Buckman (BMWC Vice President of Corporate Construction).
BMWC has received the highest honor in national construction safety (Gold Star Award) and was recognized along with a confidential refinery client and the Will-Grundy Counties Building Trades for their outstanding performance at the Annual National Maintenance Agreements Policy Committee (NMAPC) Zero Injury Safety (ZISA) awards.
Commenting on this achievement, Clay West (BMWC Corporate Safety Director) said “The supervision and project team led by BMWC Project Manager, Justin Knapp are consistently taking our Safety-for-Life programs in Task Hazard Analysis, Group Audits, Pre-Job Planning and Behavior-Based Safety to the highest level. Together, we all celebrate their success in creating a Zero Injury Site!”
To read more about the Awards Gala, go to https://www.nmapc.org.

Pictured above is a photo from the evening’s entertainment, where the Gold Star Award winner (BMWC) was the highlight of the show.