Safety Week 2022: Stay Safe

Construction Safety Week Daily Topic Stay Safe BMWC

It is everyone’s responsibility to stay safe. Safety is and always must remain a top value. Safety Week is the time to fill our safety “gas tanks” to last us the other 51 weeks of the year by giving us tools and new perspectives on safety while also retaining safety fundamentals. The fundamentals of safety are often a company’s cardinal rules, which are policies that would most likely result in death or serious physical harm if violated. Each of us has a duty to ourselves and our coworkers to be constantly aware of potentially hazardous conditions. Policies surrounding PPE, fall protection, confined space, and more are what keep us all safe and are the building blocks of a strong safety culture.

Safety Through Accident Prevention

The first step toward accident prevention is identifying various workplace risks that can lead to accidents or injury. Safety training provides the opportunity to detail best practices. However, training programs need to be updated to reflect current standards as they change. Relaying the updated information to workers is essential to success long-term.

Speak Up

Remember, you are not alone. Sometimes staying safe means asking for help. Material handling and confined space entries are two instances where teamwork is necessary. Accidents are more likely to happen if there is reluctance. That is why approachability is necessary on the jobsite. All employees should be receptive of others asking for assistance to avoid injury.

Together Everyone Achieves More

Stop Think Act in green text: a description on how to approach a dangerous situation follows. Construction Safety Week logos

What does teamwork mean to you? Teamwork can simply be taking the time to teach someone else a safer approach to correct a potential hazard. Cooperation is key. You can do a lot to maintain your safety, but you can’t be totally safe all by yourself. Safety requires a team effort.

Whatever your job title is, stay committed to the safety fundamentals by preventing accidents through education, safe work practices, and teamwork.

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