Today serves as a time to wrap up Construction Safety Week by saying ‘Thank You.’ BMWC believes being successful in the construction industry requires unification of all employees through connection, support, safety practices, and continued learning. Each worker is a piece of the puzzle that ranks BMWC among the best places to work in multiple states nationwide.
Working safely does not end today but continues every single day in our professional and personal lives. We all must support each other and agree to speak up when something doesn’t look right, or there is a safer way to perform a task.

Moving Forward
Have a Plan: Implement a strategic plan which includes ways to identify and control hazardous conditions.
Create Incentives: Leaders should assess each task and develop a way that makes safety fun. Rewarding those who go above to ensure jobsite safety practices are being upheld will facilitate a sense of community and strengthen safety culture. Take a few moments to recognize these individuals in a way that promotes others to participate as well.
Stay Informed: Safety standards are constantly evolving. All team members should stay up-to-date on training and best practices. New technology or safety gear can prove extremely beneficial to the jobsite workers. Performing a company survey could assist in understanding the needs of those on the field. They deserve the tools necessary for success; their life depends on it.
Be Present: A thorough safety inspection should be conducted prior to starting a new task. Taking a few moments to do so could save a life. Any equipment being used should be handled by a trained and authorized professional. Equipment inspections should also happen before use.
Did you miss Thursday’s Daily Topic? Click here to learn how to Continue Learning.